Monday, August 29, 2011

Hobie Adventure Island Forward Hatch

I have installed a watertight bulkhead just aft of the mast. Each time that I go out I get several inches of water in the bow section. I have asked on the Hobie Forum about possible sources. The mast fitting or the two mast screw plugs can be a problem if the hull is damaged.

To test for leaks I removed a screw from the sheet block and screwed in a air line. If the air pressure gets too great the hatch bungee cords will releave the pressure. I used soap water to check for leaks at all the fittings and screws. None were observed.

I did notice that the hatch did not relieve the air evenly. The Forward Stbd and Aft Port leaked more than the rest. Pushing down on the Stbd side was harder to reduce the leakage.

I believe that the gasket does not sit evenly on the coaming. The gasket channel that slips onto the hatch might also leak. I first seal all the gasket channels and reduce the size of the gap between the hatch and the hull. Then ... ??? We will see...

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Watertribe North Carolina Challenge

This past May I did a practice run with my son for the Watertribe North Carolina Challenge. This year the race will be held on September 30th. It starts and ends on Cedar Island, North Carolina. If you like a little Adventure, this is the race for you. There is plenty of time to accomplish this course. The people that you meet and the food that you eat can't be beat.

This race is for all types of small boats like kayaks, sail and multihulls. Register now and you will not regret your decision.